We’ve all heard that social media is ruining our generation, no one “really” communicates anymore and our vocabulary is now made up of hashtags and emojis…but what about the good stuff? Like starting your own business because everyone wants to buy what you’re posting on Instagram for example. Have you heard of Dylanlex? Well now you have.

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I’ve been stalking @dylanlex on Instagram for a while now and really it’s just a bunch of selfies of this girl with sick style and the most insane jewelry you’ve ever seen. I pride myself on being a expert online sleuth so I did some serious research…and I couldn’t find anything except this blog that was just more selfies, but now there was another girl in the mix. All I knew is that they’re sisters who like to “pile on the good stuff,” otherwise I was clueless. I had so many questions. Does she sell this jewelry? Make this jewelry and wear it for fun? What’s the sister’s involvement? What’s her day job? Where do they live? How many pounds of jewelry does she wear at one time? Do either of them want to be friends with me? Unfortunately, I never found the answer to these questions BUT after seeing this Instagram a few days ago, I could finally sleep at night knowing that you can actually/finally buy this jewelry.

Now, I don’t know that much about owner/founder Drew Ginsburg so I have no idea if having her own jewelry line was ever her intention but regardless of that, she did a pretty cool thing. What started as putting together vintage necklaces to create one super necklace and documenting these elaborate pieces online turned into an a one badass jewelry company. I guess if I had 46k+ Instagram followers and a majority of my comments were “where did you get that?” “who makes that?” “how can I buy it?” and that very thing people were asking about is something I made, I’d do the same thing. Just giving the people what they want!

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One of my personal favorites from the website (although there’s only six styles as of now) is the Falkor pictured above. It is the craziest one after all. Plus, I love how each necklace is not only showed as a product shot but also styled in the “Dylanlex way.” I don’t know what this girl’s background is but if she doesn’t have any marketing or branding on her resume, I’d be seriously surprised.

So if you’re just as obsessed as I am, check out all that is awesome on dylanlex.com and @dylanlex on Instagram. And if you happen to stalk her too, please let me know so I don’t feel like such a — you know — stalker.

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