You Should Probably Know: KTZ

While browsing one of my favorite sites, ssense, last week I came across something crazy and I just had to know more. I tweeted about my discovery — platform sneakers (can they be the new wedge sneaker?) — and although I don’t expect everyone to go buy a pair right this second, you at least have to appreciate them.

So you’re probably thinking…who is the genius (or geniuses) behind those badass sneakers? Let’s take a trip across the pond and discover KTZ.

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I was a bit confused when first researching KTZ because I kept reading about 3 key players but they don’t all currently seem to be working together. So this is what I gathered…

The brand’s creative director Marjan Pejoski (who is best known for dressing Björk like a swan…which has its own Wiki page by the way) and head designer Koji Maruyama run the KTZ clothing line, while Sasko Bezovski (who was a famous DJ in the 80s) runs the retail store, Kokon to Zai. What began as a record store in the 90s is now a concept store with 3 locations (2 in London, 1 in Paris) as well as a ready-to-wear line (known as KTZ) carried all over the world, including RSVP Gallery in Chicago and Opening Ceremony.

When it comes to fashion, I’m fascinated by anything or anyone from the UK or Australia. Don’t ask me why. It’s just how I am. So if you’re making crop tops, leather hats and backpacks AND you’re London-based, I am so sold.

Now let’s look at some of my favorite spring offerings from KTZ, including what I think should be the next trend in jewelry…the arm cuff.

And if you’re weird like me and are loving those insane runway looks, you’ll have to wait for Fall. However, in the fashion world, that starts in July so you’re only a few months away from owning some crazy ass KTZ. But if you’re content with spring (seen above) then you don’t have to wait…shop it now!

Runway images via

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