Fashion Weak vs Fashion Week

Like I mentioned yesterday on Twitter, I’m pretty sick of hearing about “fashion week” (even though it hasn’t started yet). Mostly because the words are way overused, especially by the people that say are going but actually have no purpose of being there. But let’s excuse my rant for the time being and break down the typical “fashion week survival guide” or “NYFW necessities” post. Because this isn’t your ordinary fashion week essentials feature…this really separates the fashion WEAK from fashion week. Get what I’m saying?


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Let’s Get Pretty

As much as I joke about New Years resolutions, the ones I posted earlier this week are sort of true. They are things I’d like to accomplish but if it doesn’t all happen in 2013 I’m not going to freak out about it (plus I know I’m going to have difficulty with resolution 4).

So let’s take baby steps and visit resolution 2: up the beauty routine.


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