Half-Assed Halloween

With Halloween being exactly one week away, it’s about that time where people are frantic about what they’re going to dress up as, what parties they’re going to go to and most importantly, figuring out a way not to consume your body weight in candy. I’m personally not a big fan of Halloween (I do enjoy the chocolate, though) but the only way I can semi-enjoy it is to kind of dress up (meaning not put together a full on look but enough to avoid the “why aren’t you dressed up?” question) which brings me to today’s post.

I’ve always said that if I had a show on Food Network it would be called Half-Assed Meals With Jena (because if it involves more than 7 ingredients and takes more than 20 minutes I am not interested) and I participate in Halloween in a very half-assed way (last year, I wore a bat sweater)…so it’s only appropriate to title this one a Half-Assed Halloween (but of course…it’s fashion themed). One costume, three or less items to make it happen, let’s do it.

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Why You Should Be Happy It’s Fall

I originally wanted to call this post “The best part about it being 40 degrees in October” but that seemed a little lengthy (and to you lucky ones out there, it’s not 40 degrees in all parts of the world). But for my fellow Chicagoans, although this weather is a bit surprising (even for us), it’s a little depressing to know that Winter snow, below freezing temperatures and the oh-so-popular puffer coats will all be gracing us with their presence very soon. Because I’m all about spinning a negative into a positive (unless you happen to get caught in the rain in your new suede and calf hair boots…there’s no positive to that), today we’re going to talk about the 5 best things about it being 40 degrees in October (and if you wake up early enough, 35 degrees).

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Making Moves

The last few weeks have been one big game of fashion industry musical chairs, except not all of these names in fashion have declared their new seat…yet.

If you’re wondering who these people are, where they are going, why they’re important and maybe even who I’d pick for my fake magazine masthead, then today is one of those days you should really keep reading (although shouldn’t you always?)

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Chicago Gets Tagged

When it comes to art, street art is what I prefer. There’s something about it that just intrigues me. Probably because it’s colorful, unconventional and just straight up awesome (I think this Pinterest board says it all). So the fact that I get to be a part of a super cool party that combines the best of art and style (and ChiCityFashion getting graffitied) is pretty exciting.

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