This week’s post is inspired by the newest addition to my family — Laz. Besides my family dog, this my first venture into being a dog parent. It’s a pretty great feeling to have this cute little guy around all the time, but it’s also exciting to have an excuse to buy some cool pet accessories. You know, like extra-long Chanel jackets.
Just kidding. I highly doubt these are real, but if they are…Bravo Karl. My guy doesn’t seem like the type to wear Chanel (and if he did he would chew it to shreds before I could even Instagram it) but maybe a new leather collar as a present to him/myself once the teething process is over.
Isn’t he precious? You’re going to get sick of him real fast because he will soon take over all of my social media sites. I don’t want to be one of those people…but you know it’s going to happen.
So back to the subject of pet accessories, I found some cool stuff on AHALife (canine candles anyone?) and Barneys (all Bottega everything). Will I actually buy this stuff? Probably…I mean, this bed looks more comfortable than mine. But Laz has only been in my life for 3 days now, so we have plenty of time to go shopping.

What do you think about designer pet accessories? Is it like our wardrobes where we splurge the classic and practical stuff (like a bed) and save on the “trendier items” (ie: toys)? Or am I just overanalyzing this entire concept?
In the loose “reading your blog is really doing work” category – here is a good dog statistic for you. Of the households that own dogs 43.9% have household incomes of $85,000+. That is the largest percentage, too, so that means there probably is a market for high end designer togs for dogs. (Cats – the highest percentage of cat owners are in the $20,000 – $34,999 bracket). I am a late in life pet parent (of a cat) and nothing is too good for her. So analyze away! (Stats from the Statistical Abstract of the U.S.)
Thanks for sharing such a nice collection of designer dog accessories that make them more attractive for all seasons. Fashion industry in designer dog accessories is growing at very rapidly speed. Dog lover can select cool accessories for their dog from an online pet store. These days, there are plenty of online stores are available in the market that offers unique, eye-catching designer dog clothing and accessories online at affordable prices.