CFDA Award Predictions

When it comes to any sort of event where people can win or lose, there’s something about us as humans that just wants to predict the outcome. It can be anything from a competition reality show to the Oscars and even the Superbowl. But I think we’re leaving out a very important event that isn’t even happening for another three months, but considering the nominees were just announced I’m thinking a CFDA Fashion Award predictions post was in order…

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Back To Bassike

I’ve always found it kind of funny (also, slightly frustrating) that the most simple things in life are the most difficult to find. The ideal salad (that’s actually satisfying and filling…why can’t we have both?), a mascara that does what it says it will do (but wait, I just found that) and perfect basics. There’s a ton of companies out there who offer “the perfect basics” (t-shirts, jeans, sweaters, etc.) but the styles tend to be on the boring side. So, do basics have to be boring?

There must be something in the water down under because yet again, Australia brings us the answer — a not so basic, Bassike.

bassike, perfect basics

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