The gorgeous Olivia Wilde is Glamour magazine’s latest cover girl. Photographed by Ben Watts, she graced the cover in an Enza Costa navy-and-white-striped T-shirt over an Eres Paris red bikini, a gold link Cartier bracelet and a Barbara D’Oro bangle.
Here’s a what Olivia Wilde shared with Glamour…
On what she learned from her mother…
“She’s gorgeous, and she taught me that a real feminist doesn’t apologize for her beauty. You can be a sexy, beautiful woman and be the smartest person in the room.”
On growing up around movie stars…
“I remember Mick Jagger [talking] politics with my parents…. At 13 I came to L.A. for a press junket, and it was this magical land of palm trees and George Clooney. But [then] I saw George talking to my dad about politics, and I thought what makes these people special is that they’re not just actors…. I saw people being valued for their intelligence and their interests as opposed to their stardom. It was instilled in us that stardom is meaningless.”
On her relationship with ex-husband Tao Ruspoli…
“The mark of a good marriage is partnership and continuing to feel inspired by your spouse. I had that with Tao. But the end is not necessarily the tragedy. Staying in a relationship that is no longer working is the tragedy. Living unhappily—that’s the tragedy.”
“We got engaged at Burning Man and married on a school bus. We were not conventional.”
On dating again…
“I’m opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It’s funny—my friends would always come to me for romantic advice, [but] I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I’m really trying hard to spend this time working on myself.”
“I wish I could play the field. But it’s so not me. I go 100 percent into everything. And I’m a really good girlfriend.”
And a sneak peak at the photo spread inside…

Dress: Michael Kors, Cuff: Charlotte Bjorlin Delia

Dress: Junya Watanabe Comme des Garçons

Bikini: Marc by Marc Jacobs, Coat: Dior
The issue will be available on newsstands nationwide on May 10 and digitally (iPad and Barnes & Noble Nook Color) on May 16.