With a collective 14 movies coming out this year, Emma Stone, Ashley Greene and Freida Pinto are about to become the style world’s new obsessions. Matthias Vriens-McGrath photographed Emma in Los Angeles, Ashley in Baton Rouge, LA and Freida in Paris for Glamour’s May 2011 cover.

D&G dress, Nina Basharova gold bangles with precious gems and Heike Grebenstein Fine Jewelry gold bangle
Emma Stone on the best advice her mother’s ever given her…
“She is the greatest person on earth. She always helps me deal with things as they happen instead of planning them all out ahead of time. But that’s one of 600 billion pieces of advice she’s given me. “
Emma Stone on what she looks for in a guy…
“Honestly, I cannot put a finger on it. One guy could do something that I would find deplorable, and [with] another guy I’d find it charming…. It depends on the person. The one thing that needs to be there is that indefinable spark of sorts. But I’m 22 years old…. I have no idea what I’m talking about. [Laughs.]
Emma Stone on the pressure to be thin in Hollywood…
“You’re a human being, you live once and life is wonderful, so eat the damn red velvet cupcake.”

Viktor and Rolf dress, Flutter by Jill Golden bangles and Alexander Wang shoes

Tory Burch cardigan, floral Erdem shorts, Heike Grebenstein Fine Jewelry bangles and Christian Louboutin shoes

Bra top and shorts by Peter Som and Louis Vuitton Swarovski rhinestone and resin rings
Freida Pinto on ethnicity in Hollywood…
“I think people are starting to become more color-blind in the industry. Of course, my Indian-ness cannot be ignored. At the same time, if I am being considered for a romantic comedy, I would like if [the script] didn’t try to inject as much ethnicity into the story as possible.”
Freida Pinto on filming in Tunisia when the uprising broke out….
“There was a civil war going on. People were burning down shops and malls; there was killing and bloodshed. I was stuck in this massive hotel with 354 rooms and only six guests. The lights kept shutting down, and there was a 5:00pm curfew. But I wasn’t there by myself: Dev [Patel, her Slumdog costar and current boyfriend] came down to see me. I was so glad I had company.”
Freida Pinto on relationships in Hollywood…
“When a doctor is performing an operation, his mind cannot be somewhere else. And it’s the same with actors. You have to commit yourself mind, body and soul to a project in order to do justice to it. And temptations are rife in this industry, which is why I think it’s important to know yourself before you try to deal with a relationship.”

Prabal Gurung dress along with a Chopard diamond and white gold bracelet

Tucker by Gaby Basora bustier and Lela Rose shorts

J.Crew cardigan and Nanette Lepore bikini top and bottom
Ashley Greene on her career post-Twilight…
“It is difficult because people look at you as that character. I want to play a role of a 24-year-old woman, not 17-year-old girls. So I have picked a couple of films like Butter to show that. And it’s perfectly fine not to do anything for a year if I don’t find the right thing.”
Ashley Greene on how it all started at a modeling convention in New York…
“I’m a big believer in “everything happens for a reason.” I’m not saying it wasn’t hard. I lived off Lean Cuisine and had no furniture and shared a bedroom with a girl for a year. I ran up my credit card. But every time I thought, I’m going to fail, something happened that kept me here.”
Ashley Greene on how she avoids the pitfalls of the Hollywood party scene…
“I keep to the ground rules. I’m not going to get drunk at a bar. There are younger girls who look up to me. So I do my best not to stray too far.”

Dolce & Gabbana dress with a James Colarusso silver necklace

Marc by Marc Jacobs romper worn with a bracelet and rings by Louis Vuitton
The issue will be available digitally (iPad and Barnes & Noble Nook Color) and newsstands nationwide on April 5.
Photos courtesy of Glamour