What do all these celebrities have in common (besides fame, money and a great wardrobe)? The answer is today’s topic of discussion. So let’s just dive in.
Let’s Play Atelier
When someone compliments what you’re wearing, there’s many ways to respond. The short and sweet “thank you.” The person who doesn’t want to appear to spend frivolously “Thanks. It was totally on sale…super cheap!” The efficient one who likes to kill two birds with one stone “Thanks it’s [insert designer here] from [insert store name here].” But then there’s the ultimate response…the one that we’d all love to give, “Thanks, it’s custom.”
Such a Poser
Before we had Instagram to share all of our #fromwhereistands and #ootds, we had Pose. If you’re not familiar with the social site/app, it’s one where you upload your outfit, tag accordingly and others can shop the look. I’ve been using it for about three years now and they’re always coming up with new features, but the latest one happens to be pretty major.
Clear The Way
What’s better than the Net-a-Porter sale? NET-A-PORTER CLEARANCE (duh). Every sale season, I try to do something a little more than just sharing my favorite discounted items. So today, we’re going to take a look at the best bang for your buck (including clothing and accessories under $100…hells yes) from the Net-a-Porter clearance sale. Get your wallets ready and clear[ance] the way
“Like” What You See?
I write a lot about fashion here on CCF (fashion is in my name and it happens to be my game) but sometimes there’s some other relatable categories that strike my fancy and they’re not necessarily about the latest trend or red carpet event. And you know what? I want to talk about them! So if you’ve ever felt cool because that Instagram you posted got more likes than you anticipated, that’s a totally normal feeling…and you’re going to want to keep reading.