Ah, social media. We love it. We hate it. We’re addicted to it. Regardless, we’re all on it (except Kate Moss…apparently she doesn’t need Instagram). How do you decide what to post, though? Are you voicing your political opinion on Facebook? (if yes, then please stop). Do you even Tweet anything on Twitter or is it your lazy way of getting the news? (guilty as charged…but I still Tweet). Do you go to brunch just so you can post an Instagram of your chia seed pudding and avocado toast? Let’s dig a little deeper.
I knew the time would eventually come…the time when I officially feel like an adult, although I did absolutely nothing myself to make the leap. It’s actually those I surround myself with, practically forcing me into adulthood…thanks to new pieces of jewelry (engagement rings) and new humans (babies). I give my congratulations to those who just accomplished those major milestones, as well as a congrats to myself for being an adult. Yay!
Your City, Your Style
Personal style can stem from so many things — the way you grew up, your friends, travels and so much more. But there’s one thing that probably affects it the most, and it may not be the first thing that comes to mind.
Athleisure & Athleta
With Athleisure still going strong, and the fact that I’m now an exerciser (as much as I hate to admit it), I have a newfound appreciation for those brands that do both regular clothes and work out gear very well. They are few and far between, but this is one that really kills it in this category.
Like I mentioned on the last day of the year, it seems like 2014 was the year of Photoshop fails / getting called out for altering your Instagram photos. But in just one week, there’s been a few things that make me think 2015 is the year of #nofilter…but a true #nofilter (not the nearly 10 million #nofilter lies…which we’ll get to in a moment). So why exactly are we re-touching these photos in the first place, whether for Instagram or a major publication?