‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house château. Not a creature was stirring, not even a [Marc Jacobs Mickey] mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney flat screen TV with care. In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there [with Proenza in hand].
And then all this stuff happens, you know how it goes. I won’t bore you with the details, but I will talk about clothes. These festive finds will leave you feeling cheery and bright. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! (but really…the day’s just getting started)
Did you see that quality poetry? Exactly why I wasn’t an English major (although I do write for a living…good thing it doesn’t require rhyming).
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE, ALL. I don’t know about you but I’m pretty excited to do a whole lot of nothing, today. The big feast will be at my place tomorrow so before I have 16 people and 3 dogs at my apartment, I’ll be on my couch, watching Home Alone (only 1 or 2, I refuse to do 3 and up), A Christmas Story or some other holiday movie I could quote in my sleep. So in the mean time, I’m getting in the holiday spirit just by browsing the web. Although it’s too late to have any of these festive finds by Christmas Day (unless you can find something in store and are willing to go shopping on Christmas Eve and in that case, good for you) it’s fun to look at Markus Lupfer Christmas sweaters and Charlotte Olympia holiday accessories, right? And if not, you can always get started on your Christmas look for next year…

Images via Net-a-Porter
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