It seems like Kenzo is the new Marant when it comes to making trends happen. First the tiger, now the eye (but never the eye of the tiger), let’s take a look at what Kenzo started this season.
How weirdly awesome is the Kenzo FW13 campaign? With all the eye-prints they showed on the runway, this is kind of perfect for their new ads. A little disturbing, but still perfect.
In fashion, we have our major trends (like olive, plaid and pastel this Fall) and we have our micro-trends (like social media inspired jewelry and “real fake tees“). The major trends come straight from the runway, sometimes the micro-trends trickle down in one way or another but they usually have to do with what’s happening right now. Thankfully, people are starting to catch on that fashion should be fun, so these not-so-serious micro-trends are popping up that can add some whimsy and a little quirk to your wardrobe. And what better example to show than wearing eyes all over your body?
When you look at the Kenzo runway, it’s clear that eye-printed everything was the theme and now they’re not the only ones doing it (but they are doing it pretty damn good).

Ad campaign image via BoF
Is it just an “eye” or is it the “evil eye”?