So much has changed over the years when it comes to health and wellness. It used to only be about eating “healthy” (which by definition seems to change every year) and working out, to becoming a movement and a way of life. It’s not just about eating a certain way and moving a certain way to look a certain way. It’s about living a certain way so you feel a certain way — and that certain way is GOOD.

I don’t want to be one of those people who’s like “a lot of you have been asking about…” because really, it’s only been a handful of people. But this is something I’ve been wanting to put together for a while so I figured…why put it off any longer?
My journey to wellness has been a long one. I used to hate exercising, I didn’t love cooking and I’d laugh at the thought of meditation. Just like how much has changed over the years with regards to health and wellness as a society, it’s changed with me as well.
Know that it’s a process. If you’re still struggling with this like I was, it takes time. I didn’t wake up one day and say I’M GOING TO TEACH MYSELF TO MEDITATE. And suddenly I’m going to yoga, drinking green juice and cooking 3 healthy meals everyday. No way. This was over FOUR YEARS in the making for me. So just keep that in mind.

The one request I got the most was about working out. I had mentioned this in a super old post but the second I changed my mentality about exercise is when I started to notice results. I finally stopped caring about working out to lose weight. My only motivation was to get stronger, both mentally and physically. I’ve never been very athletic so it’s a sense of personal pride when I can do certain things in a class (that I never thought I’d be able to do before!) Now I really enjoy exercising (never thought the day would come) but I definitely do not enjoy it in all forms (re: running, boot camp style classes where you’re being yelled at, etc.)
Currently I do group fitness classes 4-5 times a week through ClassPass. I used to only go to Studio Three (which I still love) but I had some knee issues last year which led me to some lower impact exercises like pilates and yoga. Right now my favorite studios in Chicago are The Space Between (the best yoga in the city, but I already told you that), CHI50 (the only Megaformer pilates I’ve ever actually liked), Studio Three (cycling, yoga and strength training all under one roof), Pilates Pro Works (the perfect pilates workout), and Free Mvmt Shop (music-focused, some dance-inspired workouts and overall great vibes).
And if you need some motivation to get to the gym, I think it always help to have some cute workout clothes you feel good in. One reason I used to hate working out was because I didn’t feel myself in gym clothes. Now that Athleisure has taken over the world, it’s actually all I wear now (in and outside of the gym). Hot tip: Shopbop is having a crazy good sale right now and they have a great activewear selection that will get you super pumped to get your sweat on (I linked some of my favorites at the bottom of this post). 20% off orders under $500 and 25% off orders over $500 with code EVENT19 at check out.

Now onto diet. I touched on this a bit last fall but I think it’s time to go into more detail. I’ve been going to Green Circle Wellness since last summer and it’s completely changed my life. I initially went because of these unresolved skin issues I developed in my early 20s (that no doctor or dermatologist could help me with). After doing some specialty tests, I learned I had low cortisol levels (which is why I was so tired all the time) as well as had a bad bacteria overgrowth in my gut (which is why I had digestive issues and bloating…also wasn’t helping my skin!) With the help of Green Circle’s great team, I switched up my diet to focus on meat, fruit and vegetables. This was an adjustment as I was never a big meat eater, but I had to eliminate so many things…I couldn’t just eat fruits and veggies! Previously I was eating a lot of vegetables (much in raw form), eggs and grains. Sounds healthy but it just wasn’t working for me. Because of my digestive issues, I have a hard time with legumes, nuts and grains. I was also eating a lot of salads (which are healthy, right?) But when you have digestive issues, raw foods are difficult to digest…therefore always leaving me bloated and sluggish. Who knew…from a salad??
So when I cook at home, I focus on organic / grass-fed meats as well as organic produce. I rarely eat dairy, gluten, grains, or legumes (but I’ve been trying to incorporate nuts back in because it’s something I like to snack on). Also keep in mind that this diet change is only at home. When I’m out, I eat (and drink) whatever I want. Because I still love pizza and cocktails 🙂 And it’s all about balance! The key is knowing what foods make you feel good and which ones don’t. Unfortunately these tend to change over the years (getting old is fun, isn’t it?) but it’s important to listen to your body.

When it comes to cooking at home, I swear by Bites By Mia. She’s local (yay!) and really has the best recipes that are easy, healthy and delicious. Sometimes I find recipes from other sites to have confusing or incomplete instructions…or the dish just doesn’t taste great. I have made most of Mia’s recipes at this point and I can assure you they’re all delicious and anyone can make them. Some personal favorites of mine — cashew chicken stir fry, grain-free stuffed peppers, vegan banana oat pancakes (I have an egg sensitivity so breakfast has been tough…and these are a lifesaver!), sweet and spicy salmon with this easy cucumber salad (I’ve never liked cooked salmon until I tried this recipe), and the honey mustard one pan meal (which I add avocado to for breakfast / lunch leftovers).
I also pin recipes I want to try / have tried so if you need more inspiration, you can follow me here.
For supplements, I was on a lot for a while when I first started going to Green Circle. I’ve just recently paired that down, as I don’t want to be popping pills like that when I’m only 30. The ones I swear by are probiotics, digestive enzymes, adaptogens and CBD. Probiotics are something I obviously need because of my gut issues. Having optimal gut health affects so many things, not just your digestion. It’s your skin, your immune system, your mood (to name a few) so probiotics are something I will always take. The digestive enzymes help me a ton, although took some getting used to as you have to take them with each meal. If you feel bloated and sluggish every time you eat, I highly recommend trying digestive enzymes. The adaptogens I started taking because of my low cortisol levels. They helped me tremendously with regards to energy. I was actually taking a night time blend (which is the opposite of what you want if you have low cortisol levels) so I was glad Green Circle showed me what’s up.
As far as CBD goes, I think it’s really gotten out of hand. 2019 will be the year there’s nothing we don’t put CBD in or on. However, I’ve been using it for sleep for almost two years now so I can’t knock it. It’s helped me sleep through the night and chilled me out overall. Although I no longer need it for sleep, I still take it at night for the anti-inflammatory benefits. I’ve tried several different brands and haven’t noticed much of a difference between them, so I’m still on the hunt for one I’m loyal to (if you have any suggestions, please leave in the comments!) I actually give CBD oil (but formulated for pets) to one of my dogs who has arthritis and I notice a difference in his energy levels within 30 minutes of giving it to him. Lastly, it’s not a necessity but just something I’ve taken where I noticed real results — HUM Nutrition Hair Sweet Hair. After finishing one bottle, my hair has never been softer and my nails were super strong. I never really believed in beauty gummies (because the Kardashians ruin everything) but these in particular have fantastic reviews…and now I know why. They really work!
Besides my love for Green Circle (by the way, none of this is sponsored!) I also get acupuncture once a month. If you’ve never tried it, I highly recommend it. As it helps with so many things! I think of it as a tune up. You can work on whatever your body needs that day. I’ve gone for muscle pain, a cold, anxiety, skin issues…acupuncture truly is a magical thing. I go to Giselle Wasfie at Remix in the West Loop. And not only is the acupuncture amazing, but Giselle has her own line of Chinese medicine based apothecary items that I’m obsessed with. I’ve been seeing Giselle pretty regularly for about 3 years now and I don’t see myself stopping any time soon!

Although a lengthy post, those are just the basics of my wellness routine. I like to sprinkle in other things here and there like an Infrared Sauna, a hike while traveling, or a relaxing soundbath…but these aren’t things I do on a regular basis. As I’m sure you know, I am not a doctor (but I could be if I had this Margiela Employee Lab Coat). I am by no means an expert. But I wanted to share with you what I’ve been doing, what’s been working and why. If this post can help just one person feel a little better then my work here is done!
So thank you for coming on my wellness journey with me today. If there’s anything here you’d like to discuss more, feel free to take it to the comments, email me or hit me up @chicityfashion.
Images via Instagram
Girl – preachhh on this post.
Green Circle helped me discover my hormone dis-balance, while where my PCP was just thinking it was normal. BREAKTHROUGH!
It’s crazy too that some of the vegetables I was eating all these years, I can’t eat anymore like nightshades which contribute to so much bloating and gas pain. Getting old is not fun at all. In fact, eating tomatoes for me is harder on my system than eating bread. it’s crazy.
the more and more i’ve invested in feeling better, not just looking better, the more i’ve come to realize our PCPs are not enough and the regular physicals and blood work is not enough.
Power to you for taking the time and energy to invest in this. and congrats on feeling GOOD!
Hey Nika. Thank you for sharing! I’m so glad you had a great experience with Green Circle too. Such a game changer, right? So frustrating when regular doctors just brush off symptoms like that! Nightshades seem to be the new gluten. Who would’ve thought?? Congrats to YOU on feeling good too 🙂
Always love hearing what you are into 🤣What adaptogens do you use? Very curious!
I used Gaia Adrenal Health Daily Support for a long time. I’ve used Super You by Moon Juice as well. I like both equally!
Awesome, can’t wait to try Bites by Mia
Looks amazing