Happy bEARTHday

Happy Earth Day, friends (and if it also happens to be your birthday today then happy bEARTHday). To be totally honest with you, I’m not all that eco-friendly. My 12-year old 4Runner isn’t exactly a Prius, I do drink the occasional water bottle and I don’t bring my own bags to Whole Foods (shameful, I realize). So what can I do to fashionably contribute to Earth Day? I have a few ideas.

earth day fashion

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Food Pairings: Ada Street + Nicolas Ghesquière

I hope you’ve eaten breakfast by now because if not, you’re about to get really hungry. In my latest Food Pairings adventure, I thought my latest experience at Ada Street goes quite well with Nicolas Ghesquière. You’re probably wondering why. So let’s find out.

nicholas ghesquiere, ada street chicago

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