The Art Of Getting Dressed

The way we get dressed is such a personal thing. Unless you have to wear a uniform everyday, there’s an entire thought process that is choosing an outfit. Of course this process differs depending on the occasion (for example, you’ll probably spend more time on putting together a look for a wedding as opposed to what you’ll wear running errands on the weekend). But how exactly do we go about this? Have you ever really thought about it? Let’s go ahead and break down the art of getting dressed.

getting dressed

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Hair Full of Secrets

When it comes to a beauty routine (whether it be hair, face, body, etc.) I like to keep things as simple as possible. Of all regimens, though, I probably spend the least amount of time on my hair. There’s always just been a lot up there (a little less now that I’ve chop chopped) and it’s just too much to deal with. But I think I’ve finally figured out what products I need, which I don’t, and the right occasions to use them.

Are you ready for this?

hair whip, street style

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Accepting The Kardashians

It’s funny that after having several fashion lines (you could try Sears), a multi-location clothing boutique (thankfully Chicago isn’t one of them) and a multitude of other things I literally can’t keep up with (pun intended) that it took Kanye West to get the fashion industry to accept Kim Kardashian. Which is ironic because no one really took his line that seriously anyway…

kim kardashian, kanye west, vogue

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New Shoes

It seems we can’t go a day in Chicago without mentioning something about the weather. We can talk about how it snowed this weekend (#bummer) and sometimes we get those amazing 50 degree days (for those West Coasters, 50 degrees is actually warm for us) and suddenly you see a funny mix of puffer coats and shorts that you’ll only find here in the Windy City.

But anyway…my least favorite part about our everlasting Winter is that I can only wear the same few pairs of shoes — snow boots, rain boots, flat boots (that could really use a cleaning right about now) and my sacrificial pair (explained here). Although there’s snow on the ground (once again) I’m staying optimistic here and hoping I can add some new shoes into the rotation pretty soon.

charlotte olympia flats

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