The Modern Pearl Girl

Isn’t it funny that some things you just despise growing up, you now actually enjoy? For me, this includes tomatoes (then I discovered Caprese salads), sneakers (which I only started liking recently), shopping (that all changed when Limited Too came into my life) and now…pearls.

But these are no longer your country club / grandma’s hand-me-down kind of pearls…

chanel spring 2014, pearls

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Designers Down Under

With my venture to the land down under happening later today (weather depending, thanks Chicago) this seemed like the perfect opportunity to gush over some Australian labels you need to know. Not only are these brands creating cool clothes, but they’re actually making things that are reasonably priced. Even better…you don’t necessarily need to travel over 9,000 miles to get them.

fashion designers, australia fashion

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How To Make Your Closet Happy

On a scale of 1-10, how happy would you say your closet is? If you have a pile of dry cleaning over 30 garments, shapeless boots and/or wire hangers, you can’t give an answer over 5. Although I don’t know your closet personally, I know an organized closet is a happy one (and also makes for a happier owner). I’m no professional organizer (my personal closet isn’t perfect) but there’s a few things I’ve learned in my quarter-of-a-century lifetime that I think deserves some sharing. Especially something I like to call the Uber of dry cleaning. Yes, this exists.

chicityfashion office

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What Why Where: Off The Grid

When it comes to complete outfit dressing, I’d say I’m a bit of a newbie (unless you count my elementary school days). Currently I have three options to choose from — one PJK summer set that I won’t be able to wear here in Chicago for a very long time, one sequin sweatsuit that I’ve surprisingly gotten a lot of use out of, and now a complete Ohne Titel grid-print look (which if you’re thinking to yourself that those pants look familiar, you’re right).

I guess you can just call me prints charming…

matching prints, chicityfashion

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