Red Carpet Fashion: 2014 SAG Awards

After watching the red carpet and the actual SAG awards show last night, I was once again reminded that this is one of my least favorite awards shows. It seemed as if none of the celebrities were excited to be there (which is understandable considering the Golden Globes were just last week…you know, a real awards show) but at least it gives us an excuse to compare what they wore to the Globes and judge even more harshly.

Are you ready for some SAG Awards fashion madness?

cate blanchett, sag awards, givenchy

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What Why Where: Right Side Of The Tracks

You know those miracle winter days when it’s not below freezing and you suddenly think it’s spring and heavy coats are no longer necessary? Today is not one of those days…but over the weekend (when these were taken) it was pretty decent. Although I learned the hard way, not decent enough to get away with just a sweater jacket. Oops.

winter fashion, chicago fashion

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Thank You, Kate

I thought about doing a Throwback Thursday in honor of Kate Moss’s birthday (it just so happens to be on the only day of the week you can throw it back, apparently) but I just did that for the other British Kate (as in Middleton) one week ago today. I couldn’t ignore the fact that THE Kate Moss is turning 40 so I thought we should do something a little differently to celebrate her four fabulous decades on earth.

So, here’s a look at some things we can thank Kate for.

kate moss, birthday

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Food Pairings: Siena Tavern + Kenzo

Like I mentioned last month, I’m bringing back one of my favorite categories here on CCF — Food Pairings. It gives me the opportunity to talk about my two favorite things in the world — food and fashion — so I say, why not?

On Sunday, I had a lovely brunch at Siena Tavern and it reminded me of something very familiar…

food pairings, siena tavern, kenzo

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