Food Pairings: Second City Club + Rachel Comey

If you’ve been a long-time ChiCityFashion reader, you may remember this little thing I used to do called Food Pairings. It was my way of incorporating my only hobby of eating with my job that is fashion. I haven’t posted one of these in over a year but I’m hoping to make it a regular feature on CCF in 2014 (as long as you’re okay with it, of course). Because I attended such an awesome dinner last week, I didn’t want to wait until the new year to share.

May I introduce you to the first and only Food Pairing of 2013 — The Second City Food, Wine & Social Club paired with the soft, crisp, oaky finish of Rachel Comey.

food and fashion, rachel comey

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Good Things Come In Small Packages

Saving what everyone thinks of last…for last. It’s been a good run with this year’s holiday gift guides. Custom gifts, under $100 finds, fun and quirky presents and even the dreaded gift set, I hope you could find at least one thing to give this year (even if it’s for yourself!) from the CCF gift guides. But what would Christmas be without stockings, right? Good things come in small packages…so don’t skimp on the stocking stuffers this year.

stocking stuffer ideas, gift guide, holiday gift ideas

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Vintage Chanel, Anyone?

If you’ve been looking forward to the day where “free,” “vintage” and “Chanel” can be put in the same sentence (or if you’ve ever wanted to know what a sequin Mickey Mouse looks like in earrings) then today’s your lucky day my friends.

vintage chanel, vintage earrings, chanel jewelry

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Words of Wisdom

Why do you love fashion? What do you think of trends? How do you define personal style?

Do you think when designers like Alexander McQueen, Karl Lagerfeld and Yves Saint Laurent answered these questions, they’d have such iconic answers? Although my responses of “Burn camo studded sneaker wedges” or “You’ll never find me in a bandage dress” or “We have to wear clothes everyday so why not have fun with it?” will never be as known as these fashion icons, I hope at least one person will remember them (besides my mom or my boyfriend).

coco chanel, chanel quote

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