There’s Something About Paris

There’s only one week left of fashion month and as things go in life, they save the best for last. Paris Fashion Week is now in full swing but there’s a lot more to Paris than their fabulous fashion. One word — croissant.

Today is all about Paris and to quote something you all probably have Pinned to at least one board on Pinterest, Paris is always a good idea

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CCF Loves: The Everygirls

With so many blogs and informational websites out there, it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are worth reading. But with a name that says it all — from fashion and home decor (literally everything is Pinterest-worthy) to career and finance advice…and everything in between — The Everygirl is really a one-stop-shop that EVERY GIRL should read 😉

So let’s get to know the two brains behind this operation — Alaina Kaczmarski and Danielle Moss.

the everygirl Want More?