It seems we can’t go a day in Chicago without mentioning something about the weather. We can talk about how it snowed this weekend (#bummer) and sometimes we get those amazing 50 degree days (for those West Coasters, 50 degrees is actually warm for us) and suddenly you see a funny mix of puffer coats and shorts that you’ll only find here in the Windy City.
But anyway…my least favorite part about our everlasting Winter is that I can only wear the same few pairs of shoes — snow boots, rain boots, flat boots (that could really use a cleaning right about now) and my sacrificial pair (explained here). Although there’s snow on the ground (once again) I’m staying optimistic here and hoping I can add some new shoes into the rotation pretty soon.
And I don’t even necessarily mean buying a new pair — I just want to wear some shoes that haven’t seen the light of day in many moons. You know what I mean? Of course we’re all itching to wear Spring things but I got one thing on my mind and one thing only (but I guess when you add pizza, it’s two things).
When will I officially be able to retire these black boots and opt for a little ankle exposure? (besides that one time last week…such a tease). Unfortunately we have no idea, but I guess it gives us something to look forward to, right? Now some people don’t take to this practicality and they’ve been wearing white boots all season, but I can’t get myself to risk ruining any of my suede, pony hair or light colored shoes just to make a fashion statement (they’ll get their turn…eventually). So it makes me even more excited for oxfords / loafers/ cut-out booties / anything light colored in the footwear department (still have to wait a few more months for sandals…not there just yet).
If you’re in the same boat and are needing some new shoes to celebrate the new season, these will definitely be worth your while.

Do you get where I’m coming from with this whole shoe thing or are you like “Jena I’ve been wearing white suede sandals since December…I don’t even know what you’re talking about?”
I wore a pair of Strathcona socks that I bought on Anthem Wares (when you had your promotion with them) yesterday with cuffed jeans and oxfords. I got a compliment on my socks! I think people in cold weather are so ready for Spring that seeing socks, and not boots, is exotic. I threw out a pair of snow boots because they were so trashed and I was tired of looking at them. I love those Lizzie cut-outs you featured. I can’t wait to take some new shoes for a walk in Chicago.