CCF Loves: Nourishing Notes

Although my handwriting has significantly gotten worse as I type away year after year, there’s still something about good old fashioned stationery that I love. I do still take notes everyday (a to-do list resides in a notebook and in the notes section of my iPhone…so there’s no excuses) and a thank you card is always in order for holiday and birthday gifts. But what’s better than your traditional note? A NOURISHING NOTE (and one from Chicago!)

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Chicago Fashion Unfocused

When it comes to our fashion scene in Chicago, it’s really been more about the community rather than the city supporting it (at least since I’ve been around, circa 2010). And that was made official when WWD recently reported that Chicago is pulling all fashion funding, including our version of fashion week — Fashion Focus. Surprised? Mad? Sad? DGAF? You let it out honey…put it in the book blog.

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Surviving Chicago Winters

The fact that I’ve been had a blog called CHI CITY FASHION for over six years and have never written a post with this title is borderline embarrassing…but better late than never right? And just because you don’t live in Chicago doesn’t mean this can’t apply to you (but if you live in LA then the only reason to read this is to make yourself feel extra good about your decision to reside in Southern California).

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Local Love

If budget-friendly gifts, ridiculously expensive presents or what to buy for the boys haven’t done it for you, don’t you worry…I’m not finished with the gift guides just yet. And because of a particularly inspiring / successful / wallet-emptying Dose Market yesterday, I thought today would be the perfect day for some local [holiday] love.

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