Chi City’s Most Stylish: Courtney Cunniff

I’m just going to be short and sweet with this introduction, this month’s Chi City’s Most Stylish is basically the Anna Dello Russo of Chicago (except a hell of a lot younger and instead of working for a magazine, she works at the best store in the entire city).

shop girl, ikram, courtney cunniff

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Let’s Talk About Vests, Baby

“Whatever, those rules aren’t real.”

“They were real that time I wore a vest.”

“That’s because that vest was disgusting.”


Never let your hideous vest get in the way of your prestigious cafeteria lunch spot again. Let’s talk about vests, baby.

 photo use1-7.png

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A Lesson in Geometry

When it comes to math, I am absolutely clueless. I use a calculator for things that most 5th graders could probably do in their head (so obviously I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader) but at least I can beat them when it comes to fashion knowledge. That must count for something.

One sector of math that didn’t completely kill my GPA in highschool was geometry. I like shapes on clothes, so I’m sure I could figure it out on paper. Granted I didn’t get an A+ (overachieving was so uncool at the time) but I passed…and that’s all that matters.


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