A Lesson in Geometry

When it comes to math, I am absolutely clueless. I use a calculator for things that most 5th graders could probably do in their head (so obviously I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader) but at least I can beat them when it comes to fashion knowledge. That must count for something.

One sector of math that didn’t completely kill my GPA in highschool was geometry. I like shapes on clothes, so I’m sure I could figure it out on paper. Granted I didn’t get an A+ (overachieving was so uncool at the time) but I passed…and that’s all that matters.


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What Why Where: Adventures on Lower Wacker

Lower Wacker can seem like a scary place…it’s dark, smells like pee and if you’re not paying attention you can easily get hit by a car. So I thought that would be the perfect backdrop for some Halloween-esque photos. And because I don’t do costumes, this bat sweater is the closest you’ll get.


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What Why Where: Balenciaga Egyptofunk

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had a fascination with space (fun fact)…but when I discovered I was claustrophobic and I probably wouldn’t be able to survive in a space suit for too long, my dreams of becoming an astronaut quickly died. Now what could this possibly have to do with today’s post?


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What’s Chicago’s Top Trend?

A few months ago, I posted about the printed pants trend that was all over the streets of Chicago last Spring/Summer…and how you can get the look at T.J. Maxx and Marshalls. For the Fall season, we’re doing things a little differently.

Do you know what trend women in Chicago are loving right now?


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