Carbs & Cardio

Hi, my name is Jena and I’m new to exercise…

Is basically how I introduced myself my first month or so of working out (which would involve me breaking a sweat no more than once a week). Health and fitness are things I don’t think I’ve ever touched on here on CCF (the closest I’ve gotten is discussing activewear as ready to wear). So now that I have this wonderful life category where I can pretty much write about anything, this seemed to be the perfect time to talk about this stuff.

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Activewear as Ready-To-Wear

Sometimes I’ll get dressed, look in the mirror and think to myself “where did this come from?” There’s certain things I’ve refused to wear in the past (with a few of the many listed here) but now I’m all about them. For example, I never thought I’d be wearing sneakers or sweatpants in public…then this happened. I’m not huge skirt person but then I ended up coming home with three after my Australia trip (here’s one of them). I don’t know how it happens but it just does. And now I can add activewear to this list of things-I-never-liked-but-now-I-wear-all-the-time. Yes, coming from the girl who openly despises exercises. Activewear.

stylish activewear

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