Seasonless Flats

Us fashion folks love to talk about “looks for less” and “splurge-worthy items” but how do we know when it’s really worth it? One rule of thumb is if you can wear the piece day or night and/or in any season, it’s probably worth the investment (as long as it’s not a super trend — I’m talking to you sneaker wedges). And we all love shoes, right? So let’s bring the two topics together and there you have today’s post.

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Let It Slide

There’s many 90s references happening in fashion right now that we just can’t help feel nostalgic about. This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about it (and as long as overalls and crop tops are still happening, it won’t be the last) so in the words of a quintessential 90s band…

So why don’t you slide…


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New Shoes

It seems we can’t go a day in Chicago without mentioning something about the weather. We can talk about how it snowed this weekend (#bummer) and sometimes we get those amazing 50 degree days (for those West Coasters, 50 degrees is actually warm for us) and suddenly you see a funny mix of puffer coats and shorts that you’ll only find here in the Windy City.

But anyway…my least favorite part about our everlasting Winter is that I can only wear the same few pairs of shoes — snow boots, rain boots, flat boots (that could really use a cleaning right about now) and my sacrificial pair (explained here). Although there’s snow on the ground (once again) I’m staying optimistic here and hoping I can add some new shoes into the rotation pretty soon.

charlotte olympia flats

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How To Make Your Closet Happy

On a scale of 1-10, how happy would you say your closet is? If you have a pile of dry cleaning over 30 garments, shapeless boots and/or wire hangers, you can’t give an answer over 5. Although I don’t know your closet personally, I know an organized closet is a happy one (and also makes for a happier owner). I’m no professional organizer (my personal closet isn’t perfect) but there’s a few things I’ve learned in my quarter-of-a-century lifetime that I think deserves some sharing. Especially something I like to call the Uber of dry cleaning. Yes, this exists.

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