When In Berlin

After two weeks of airports, soft pretzels and being deceived by something “reasonably priced” when it’s really just in euros…I’m back in the USA. But before I get all Americana on you, there’s still a lot European goodness to cover. Of the three cities I visited on this trip, Berlin had some of my favorite street fashion. It’s not groundbreaking, but it is damn cool.

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The Seasonless Sneaker

Even before “cool sneakers” were a thing, we still saw them every once in a while on the streets of fashion weeks worldwide. Clearly worn by the “early adapters” (they don’t follow trends, they start them) and now everyone has gotten on board. Today we’re going back to basics with one of the most popular types of footwear right now –white sneakers.

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The Go-To

If you follow me on Instagram, you probably think my closet only consists of five things (seven, max) because I’m one of those people who tends to wear the same pieces over and over (and over) again. I don’t believe in the whole “I was photographed in it once so I can never wear it again” mentality (I’ve even called myself out for being a repeat offender right here on CCF) because if you own things you love (bonus if they’re comfortable) why not wear the hell out of ’em? So today, I thought I’d share with you my go-to items…and why I consider them to be summer must haves.

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