Au Revoir, 2013

Oh 2013, it’s been real. As we part ways I thought I’d be unoriginal and do that whole best of 2013 thing. You’ve already seen the best of the red carpet and this year’s most popular but I’m going to get all personal for a minute here and share with you 20 of my favorite/funny/fun/exciting/weird moments from the big 1-3.

majestic disorder feature, jena gambaccini

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What Why Where: Missing London

It’s been almost two months since I got back from London and all I have to show for it is a fake British accent and some awesome clothes…so because I can’t have the Tube, Dover Street Market and Kate Middleton in my backyard, I opted for this.

jena gambaccini, british fashion designers, peter pilotto

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What Why Where: Around Town

I briefly mentioned last week that I have a ton of outtakes from my 1 Girl 4 Looks story on Refinery29 so after giving you a little tour of my office, I thought I’d share with you the rest of the NEVER BEFORE SEEN, EXCLUSIVE photos. I love putting those words together. I feel like E! News.

So today’s more of a 1 girl, 3 looks kind of story…

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On My Mind: London Fashion (Part 2)

Right before I left for London, I shared with you some of my favorite British fashion designers but because there were too many to fit into one post, a part 2 was definitely in order. So now that I’m back in the states, I’m just going to continue to gush over how much I love the fashion in London and also how fantastic it is that the city supports their ever-growing fashion scene (Chicago, take note).

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London Fashion Week

Yesterday I finally shared my first London update and now the journey continues, but this time with one of the coolest things I got to do during my trip — experience a different kind of fashion week. I think you can put two and two together to figure out which one.

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