What Won’t You Wear?

By this point in our lives, we have a pretty good idea of what we like and don’t like. Food, people, clothes…you’re never going to love everything/everyone and that’s okay. I despise pickles, not a fan of narcissism and I have a thing against strapless. See? It’s as simple as that.

So today, I thought it would be fun to play a little game called What Won’t You Wear? And by game I mean you just tell me in the comments the clothing / accessories you absolutely would not wear. Ready? Go.

animal print, street style

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Not Your Typical Valentine’s Day

I don’t know about you but I’ve never been all that much into Valentine’s Day. Coming from someone who’s very much taken, I really have nothing to be bitter about except for the fact that I’m forced to wear pink and red (neither color I’m a huge fan of) and eat more chocolate than I already do.

If you feel the same way (regardless of your relationship status on FB) here’s a blog post with no hearts, no pink (okay maybe a little pink) and zero flowers. Not your typical Valentine’s Day…

valentines day fashion

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The Modern Pearl Girl

Isn’t it funny that some things you just despise growing up, you now actually enjoy? For me, this includes tomatoes (then I discovered Caprese salads), sneakers (which I only started liking recently), shopping (that all changed when Limited Too came into my life) and now…pearls.

But these are no longer your country club / grandma’s hand-me-down kind of pearls…

chanel spring 2014, pearls

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