2016 MTV Movie Awards

I haven’t written about the fashion at the MTV Movie Awards for quite some time (not since Amanda Bynes was still [kind of] relevant) but after seeing some actually cool styles last night, I thought CCF could use a little red carpet love today. Of course it’s MTV, so there’s still plenty of tacky for us to discuss…(don’t you worry!)

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Episode 25: Creating An All Female Fashion Startup With Modern Citizen’s Jess Lee

Wonder what it’s really like to create a fashion startup? Have the urge to *add to cart* but feel like you haven’t seen anything new and exciting? Have you ever wanted super chic, not overly trendy clothing, accessories and / or home goods but at actually affordable prices? Say hello to my little [fashion] friend — Modern Citizen founder / CEO, Jess Lee — who is making it all happen.

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