CCF Loves: Jenny Solberg

Continuing the category of “people in Chicago doing cool stuff,” I’d like to introduce to you brandy maker and co-owner of Rhine Hall (a super awesome local distillery) — Jenny Solberg.

Like I’ve mentioned in other CCF Loves features, it’s pretty great that I’ve gotten to meet so many amazing people (even beyond the fashion industry) because of this site. Every once in a while I come across someone with an extra special story and most recently that’s been Jenny Solberg. She reached out to me about checking out Rhine Hall over the summer and I was both surprised and impressed to find out she not only owns this distillery with her dad, but they’ve been making fruit brandy for years. What started as a hobby in Austria (where the Solbergs literally chopped apples for brandy by peddling a stationary bike) turned into a pretty amazing family-owned business, known as Rhine Hall. I loved it so much, I couldn’t keep it all to myself! So let’s see why Jenny decided to make Chicago her / Rhine Hall’s home.

Why Chicago?
I chose to open my business in Chicago because of 3 reasons. First, Chicago is super close to the Great Lakes Region which provides us the fruit we need to produce our product. Second, my business partner, my Dad, lives in Chicago with his other business. So, Chicago was a must for him and him as my business partner was a must. Lastly, but most importantly, I wanted to be back in Chicago for the people. Super solid, hardworking, and passionate people.

​What are your top three favorite things to do in the city?
1) Take my dog on walks, 2) drink and eat at all of the different neighborhoods of the city, and 3) take advantage of the lake whenever I can.

What’s the most memorable moment in your career so far?​
I think the most memorable moment in my career thus far was to be recognized as “30 Under 30” for Zagat.

Any advice for aspiring booze makers? (I’m sure there’s a better term for this…)
I love “booze makers” 🙂 My advice would be that there is never a time you will be “fully prepared” to open a business. If you want to do it, go for it! It is a long bumpy road ahead of you, however it is the ups and downs that make starting a business super exciting and invigorating. Lastly, it’s a lot of hard work and never ending – but as long as you are making a product you believe in, you’re all good! ​

What’s the coolest part about your job?
I get to make my own schedule and not one single day is ever the same. The days jump from 5am distilling apple brandy to presenting to a group of 20+, I love it!!!!

For more on Rhine Hall, you can visit them (take a tour while you’re at it), follow them or just find out more about what they’re up to (but you should really just get a taste for yourself!)

Images via Facebook & Instagram

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