
With Instagram still refusing to let us click links within the app, using it as a blogger can be a bit of a challenge. With endless “where can I get that?” questions surfacing in the comments section (not necessarily on my Insta but just in general) there’s been a few ways companies have figured out how you can “shop the look.” But I thought I’d make this as simple as possible…just by telling you myself.

chicityfashion instagram

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Stacks On Stacks

No longer do we just put on one necklace, a bracelet and a ring on our ring finger. I mean, what fun is that?  It kind of all started with the “arm party” a few years back then moved onto how many rings can we fit onto each hand and now we’re pretty much at the point where it’s completely normal to wear a boutique’s worth of jewels in just one look (otherwise known as stacks on stacks and if you’re really ambitious #stacksonstacksonstacks).

stacked rings

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New Shoes

It seems we can’t go a day in Chicago without mentioning something about the weather. We can talk about how it snowed this weekend (#bummer) and sometimes we get those amazing 50 degree days (for those West Coasters, 50 degrees is actually warm for us) and suddenly you see a funny mix of puffer coats and shorts that you’ll only find here in the Windy City.

But anyway…my least favorite part about our everlasting Winter is that I can only wear the same few pairs of shoes — snow boots, rain boots, flat boots (that could really use a cleaning right about now) and my sacrificial pair (explained here). Although there’s snow on the ground (once again) I’m staying optimistic here and hoping I can add some new shoes into the rotation pretty soon.

charlotte olympia flats

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