The New Balenciaga Bags

While reading the most recent issue of Harper’s Bazaar during one of two times I read magazines (getting a pedicure and traveling…I’m still in Chicago so you can make an educated guess which one I was doing), a bag caught my eye in one of their editorials, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So what do I do when I can’t stop thinking about something? Talk about it on CCF, of course.

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All White Everything

Probably one of the ballsiest moves you can make in fashion is wearing an all white outfit. Not because it looks crazy, or people think it’s unflattering (which isn’t completely true) but because you need to be on alert the entire day. Things I suggest not doing in all white: sitting anywhere, leaning against anything, and drinking red wine (definitely the toughest for me). But if you’re up for the challenge, it can really pay off. I mean…how awesome do all these ladies look?

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Day in the Life of a Ford Model

Late last year I was approached by Ford Models to artistic direct a photoshoot, which is something I’ve always thought of doing but never had the opportunity to execute. So, basically it was kind of a big deal for me. After a few months of finalizing models, getting the perfect looks together and choosing who I’d like to work with…it’s all finally here. I really wanted this shoot to be about the models. They’re always trying to sell something, but for this purpose I wanted to see them in a setting they feel comfortable in, in clothes they love. We chose settings based off of the girl’s interests plus everything is local. I wanted the boutiques and locations involved to all be independent and/or Chicago-based. So this really IS a Chicago fashion shoot…and isn’t that what ChiCityFashion is all about?

These 5 girls are Ford’s “it” models for 2013. You heard it here first. This isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of them.

PhotobucketLeft to right: Skye, Noel, Asia, Emilie, Dominique

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