A Lesson in Geometry

When it comes to math, I am absolutely clueless. I use a calculator for things that most 5th graders could probably do in their head (so obviously I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader) but at least I can beat them when it comes to fashion knowledge. That must count for something.

One sector of math that didn’t completely kill my GPA in highschool was geometry. I like shapes on clothes, so I’m sure I could figure it out on paper. Granted I didn’t get an A+ (overachieving was so uncool at the time) but I passed…and that’s all that matters.


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Shop To Benefit Hurricane Sandy Relief

If you have watched any TV, gotten on the Internet or spoken to anyone in the last week or so I’m sure you know how hard hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. The extent of my current events knowledge rarely surpasses E! News but even I have been tuning into CNN and other news channels every day since.


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